Wednesday 15 January 2025
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Home-leg workout | Домашна тренировка за крака

Стройни кракаHello everybody ! In this article I’ll share you a great home-legs workout !

Every respectable training person must do at least 1 leg workout per week. The leg muscles make 50% of your total lean body mass. You have maybe wondered how you can train your legs at home, considuring you dont have any weights or machines in hand. Well, in this article im going to provide you a few tips about how you can do that. Here i want to point out, that this program is just as good for wimen, as it is for men.

As with every workout, the first and MOST IMPORTANT thing is to warm up good! Since we are going to train Legs, the warm up can consist of some of the following movements:


1. Stretching. stretch every part of your body. Put more effort on your ankles, knees and your lower back.
2. Jumping Jacks. 2 minutes of jumping jacks , or just jumps with a normal jump rope.
3. Squats. Do 10 to 20 normal bodyweight squats. Rest a minute, and you are ready for your workout. Now we can move on to the serious thing.


Set 1:

Parallel bodyweight squats. Do as much as you can.

2 minutes of rest
set 2:

Same as set 1.
2 minutes of rest
set 3:

Lunges. Do as much as you can do with each leg.
2 minutes of rest
set 4:

Same as set 1 and 2.

Parallel bodyweight squats.

2 minutes of rest
set 5: same as set 3.

Lunges, as much as you can do with each leg.
2 minutes of rest
set 6: calf raises

Do as much as you can with each leg.

And thats it!

If after all bodyweight squats are just too easy for you, you can allways just fill a backpack with books or whatever you have around the house. Be creative!
And if you have weights , use them! After all, you need to apply progressive overload to get to the desired muscle mass level.


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