Wednesday 15 January 2025
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Killer Pecks Home Workout | Страшна тренировка за гърди у дома

Hello guys !

With this article I am about to introduce you  a great home workout which targets your pecs and can be done at home.

What you need for this workout?

All you will need is to get your hands on a cheap set of dumbbells. That’s all !
And off we go to the exercises.

1# Warm up

To begin with, we do a 5-minute stretching – neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, back. Next, we perform 2-3 sets of
non-exhausting exercises, e.g. knee pushups or bed pushups, where your hands are placed on a bed.

2#The Workout

Notice 1: All pushups that are to be performed need to be knuckle pushups, so that the the chance of injuring your
wrists is minimalised.

Notice 2: All pushups are should be done at a STEADY pace, not any faster that 3 seconds for a single pushups.
Do as many as you can each set.

Picture 1: Dumbel press                                Picture 2: Dumbel Flys


Next thig we do is to grab a back pack or a bag that we usually go to school or go shopping with and fill it with
all kinds of heavy stuff. You should gather at least 5 kilograms (12 lbs) worth of weight.

Beginning Of The Workout

We start off with 2 sets of pushups (no back pack/ bag here), while are hands are at shoulder width.
You shouldn’t rest more than 60 seconds.

Triple Superset Variation 1:

Second set:  we put on our back pack and perform another set, this time only we
place out feet on a bed. Hands position – shoulder width again! Immediately after we do all the reps we can, we lie on the ground, grab the set of dumbbells and perform dumbel flys unit we give up. AGAIN at a steady pace!

You wanna take a break now? Guess what – YOU CAN’T !

Back to back we continue with regular knuckle pushups (no extra weight), shoulder width of course!

Well now if you wish you may rest for 60 seconds tops!

..Your rest is over ! Repeat this triple set two more times.

After the third set you can rest for 2 minutes and than back to work.

Triple Superset Variation 2:

This time we start with the back pack pushups, while your feet are on the ground, not on the bed.
Our palms should be away from each other, as far as possible.
After our maximum reps we do dumbel press, lain on the ground.
Next we repeat the first exercise (push ups – without extra weight this time)
Now we can rest for 60 seconds and repeat this two more times with a 60-second rest inbetween.

After this second triple set rest for 1-2 minutes!

It’s NOT OVER yet!

For the last part, repeat the second variation triple superset but this time with your palms as
close as possible.

We are done! It should take no more than 40 minutes! Try it and share the results ! I promise you that your pecks will be sore on the next day !

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